WebToDesk v2.0.0 — Convert Your Website to a Native Desktop Application
WebToDesk converts your website to a native desktop application based on the Electron framework. Without learning any programming language, you can build your macOS, Windows and Linux application within a few minutes by following this documentation.
With this, you can easily configure website URLs, Menus, Icons, Hidden Elements, Pop-Ups, Shortcuts, Loading pages, Error handling and many more things as you want. Therefore every website which you used with this will definitely look like a native desktop application.
- Convert any of your website to a desktop application
- Build using Electron framework
- Support to WordPress application
- Easy to customize and edit
- Cutom menu options
- Print a web page
- Support for latest macOS, Windows, Linux
- Easy to build an application for your preferred OS
- Not required of programming Skills
[link][su_button url=»https://codecanyon.net/item/webtodesk-convert-your-website-to-a-native-desktop-application/26454750″ target=»blank» style=»default» background=»#dd0000″ color=»#FFFFFF» size=»7″ wide=»yes» center=»no» radius=»5″ icon=»» icon_color=»#FFFFFF» text_shadow=»none» desc=»» download=»» onclick=»» rel=»nofollow» title=»» id=»» class=»»]DEMO[/su_button][/link]
[download id=»11747″]
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