Mosets Tree v4.0.1 — Directory for your website

Mosets Tree is a Joomla extension that lets you createmanage and organise any type of directories. Fast, simple and flexible.

Infinitely customizable

Built with customizability in mind, Mosets Tree comes with text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop downs and more for your directory. You can even create your own customized field type.

Up & running today

If you have an existing Joomla website, you can install and run Mosets Tree in minutes. Start adding in your listings and it’s beautifully presented to your users.

Flexible template system

Mosets Tree’s Banyan template is highly customizable and suitable for use in any type of directories. Feeling creative? Customize the template! We made it easy and flexible without touching the codes.

[link][su_button url=»» target=»blank» style=»default» background=»#dd0000″ color=»#FFFFFF» size=»7″ wide=»yes» center=»no» radius=»5″ icon=»» icon_color=»#FFFFFF» text_shadow=»none» desc=»» download=»» onclick=»» rel=»» title=»» id=»» class=»»]DEMO[/su_button][/link]

[download id=»24604″]

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